Above, the first pics are of Calli, Payton, and Abran and the Soto's over the 24th of July weekend. They had a great time all playing together, that is, when either of the boys weren't asleep. They are great cousins. I also wanted you to see the new flooring throughout the house. Jonathan did a great job in the entry way and kitchen. I wanted you to see it in case we're in a different house by the time you get home. We'll see. I'm still planning on painting the cabinets in my kitchen and bathrooms. Probably a white color. I like the contrast. Abran is also using utensils now and that is always exciting. He holds the fork or spoon by the very tip of the handle making it hard to get into his mouth. I've been working with him to hold it lower so he has more control and a better grip. But he really likes the tip of the stupid handle. I was busy one afternoon and he was complaining and I new he probably needed a snack. So instead of slicing and peeling an apple, I took a couple of bites out of it so he could see how to eat it and handed it to him. He sat on the rug by the back sliding doors just munching away, stem and all. Although he didn't finish it all. It reminded me of when Sam was younger and would eat the stem, core, and seeds. Hmmmm I wonder if he'll do the same when he gets older. We also went to this awesome Children's Museum in the Gateway Mall and he thoroughly enjoyed that. We'll have to take you there when you get home. You'll be fascinated.